Discover the best practices for adding subtitles to your marketing videos to enhance viewer engagement and accessibility. Learn how to effectively incorporate this tool into your video marketing strategy. Want to try Video Marketing yourself?

Best Practices for Adding Subtitles to Your Marketing Videos

In the digital age, video content is king. However, to truly maximize the potential of your marketing videos, it’s crucial to consider accessibility and user experience. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by adding subtitles. This article will delve into the best practices for adding subtitles to your marketing videos, ensuring your content is accessible, engaging, and SEO-friendly.

Why Add Subtitles to Your Marketing Videos?

Before we dive into the best practices, it’s important to understand why subtitles are a crucial addition to your marketing videos. Firstly, they make your content accessible to a wider audience, including those with hearing impairments and non-native speakers. Secondly, as many people watch videos without sound, especially on mobile devices, subtitles ensure your message is still communicated. Lastly, subtitles can boost your SEO efforts, as search engines can crawl and index this text, potentially improving your video’s search ranking.

Best Practices for Adding Subtitles

Now that we understand the importance of subtitles, let’s explore the best practices for adding them to your marketing videos.

1. Ensure Accuracy

Accuracy is paramount when it comes to subtitles. This includes not only the dialogue but also the timing. The text should sync perfectly with the audio to avoid confusion and enhance viewer experience.

2. Keep It Concise

Subtitles should be short and to the point. Long sentences can be hard to read quickly and may distract from the video content. Aim for a maximum of two lines of text on the screen at any one time.

3. Use a Readable Font and Size

The purpose of subtitles is to be read, so make sure they’re easy on the eyes. Choose a simple, clear font and a size that’s large enough to read without straining, but not so large that it distracts from the video.

4. Consider the Background

Ensure your subtitles stand out against the video background. This might mean adding a semi-transparent background to the text or choosing a color that contrasts with the main colors in the video.

5. Don’t Forget Non-Speech Elements

Subtitles should also convey important non-speech information, such as sound effects and music, to provide context and enhance the viewing experience for those who can’t hear the audio.

Boosting SEO with Subtitles

As mentioned earlier, subtitles can significantly boost your SEO efforts. Search engines can’t watch videos, but they can read and index text. By adding accurate, keyword-rich subtitles, you’re providing more content for search engines to crawl, potentially improving your video’s visibility and ranking.


Adding subtitles to your marketing videos is more than just an accessibility feature. It’s a powerful tool that can enhance viewer engagement, broaden your audience, and boost your SEO efforts. By following these best practices, you can ensure your subtitles are effective and beneficial to your video marketing strategy.

Want to learn more about video marketing? Download our comprehensive e-book on the subject here. It’s packed with valuable insights and tips to help you take your video marketing to the next level.